Amino Acid Therapy - Rehab Guide

Amino Acid Therapy

Amino Acid Therapy

Amino Acid Therapy

Amino-acid therapy is a treatment via a combination of Amino Acids, cofactor enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

  • Neutralises brain and body toxins involved in substance abuse
  • Restores brain function and balance
  • Minimises withdrawal symptoms and cravings
  • Reduces the potential for relapse
  • It supports the brain and nervous system, allowing precise and lucid engagement in the recovery process

Clients typically report renewed clarity and focus, faster healing, significantly more awareness of the behaviours leading to substance use, and much greater success in long-term recovery.

Many also report improved mood, reduced emotional sensitivity, and alleviated anxiety or depression symptoms.

Critically, patients can often better understand the reasons for their addictive behaviour.

This new approach completely overhauls the tired face of rehab facilities this side of the Atlantic, and moreover, lets our clients access the highest calibre, most comfortable rehab experience possible. The results are incomparable to ordinary detox.

amino-acid therapy

The Brain and Addiction

More recently, experts are also exploring amino acid replacement therapy as a helpful aid in alcohol and drug addiction recovery.

We all seek physical and emotional comfort. The reason is that all humans want to feel good.

Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that play a vital role in our feelings of overall well-being and pleasure. We eat particular foods because these foods produce a better reward than others. We engage in specific activities, like socializing with friends, because they release pleasurable chemicals. Even simple things, like watching the TV, petting our dog, or walking in the countryside, produce a reward. All of this works to keep us well-balanced, enlivened, functioning, motivated and reproducing.

When it comes to being addicted to alcohol and drugs, when a person has a predisposition to addiction and they engage in an activity, such as drinking alcohol or drug use, the natural production of “feel good” hormones is interrupted.

These substances change the brain chemistry and the capacity to create feelings of well-being in ordinary ways. The drug then becomes the only means of respite for many addicts, and the chosen activity will rapidly progress into the destructive cycle that most of us know as drug addiction.

What Do Amino Acids Do?

As most people who suffer from alcohol addiction are sometimes nutrient-depleted.  Reinstating these nutrients assists recovery, and this is especially true for amino acids as they have an impact on the brain’s neurotransmitters.

Amino acid supplements have been shown to help curb the appetite for unhealthy habits, especially in early addiction when the body isn’t producing any positive hormones on its own.

Amino acid replacement therapy can aid in bringing a sense of control back to the individual. The amino acids used are the precursors that our bodies use to create the neurotransmitters in the brain responsible for well-being and pleasure.

As good amino acids flood the brain and help neurotransmitters function properly, people who are recovering from addiction may experience improved moods and, eventually, the ability to experience feelings of pleasure and reward once again naturally.

20 per cent of the human body is made up of protein, and amino acids are the building blocks of protein. This makes amino acids vital to a huge number of the body’s structures and functions.

Addiction causes long-term damage to the brain, which is one reason that relapse is so prevalent. For individuals to make a full and continual recovery, treating and repairing the brain is necessary.

Amino Acids in Rehab

At Rehabguide, we offer amino acid therapy as part of our holistic approach to drug and alcohol rehab. Addiction is a symptom of a much broader problem, and all we can try and do is to treat the whole person and supply the best possible outcomes.

If you or someone you love is struggling with alcohol or drug addiction,

Please give us a call today on 02072052845 or 0141 427 3491F

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