How Rehab Helped Ant Mcpartlin

Ant McPartlin’s well-documented battles with addiction and mental health issues have been openly discussed, but he has been transparent about his journey to recovery. 

Ant McPartlin, also known as Ant, is a British TV host, actor, and producer who is famous for being one part of the well-known presenting duo Ant and Dec. He was born on November 18, 1975, in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, and became famous alongside his close friend Declan Donnelly, also known as Dec. 

The pair became known in the early 1990s as actors on the kids’ show Byker Grove before transitioning to successful presenters. They have hosted various shows, including Pop Idol, I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!, and Britain’s Got Talent, winning several prestigious awards like National Television Awards and BAFTAs for their work.

The popular TV personality is highly regarded and has gained fame in the UK and internationally. His enduring partnership with Dec remains a powerful force in the entertainment world.

British fans were shocked to discover that McPartlin had been struggling with substance abuse, alcohol abuse, and addiction to prescription drugs for over two years, nearly resulting in the ruin of his life. 

Like countless others hooked on prescription medications, McPartlin was oblivious to the dangers of prescription painkillers when first given by a doctor.

What was ant addicted to tramadol infographic

What Was Ant Addicted To?

The TV personality from Newcastle first began using legally prescribed pain medication after a significant knee injury in 2014 and an unsuccessful surgery the following year. Regrettably, he, like many others, quickly became dependent on tramadol, a pain medication given to help with moderate to severe pain from injuries.

On 18 March, Ant ingested a dangerous mix of painkillers and alcohol, resulting in a severe adverse reaction. While driving while intoxicated, he collided his vehicle with two others in London, causing a young girl to require hospitalisation for her injuries. 

Following the incident, McPartlin was discovered to have a blood alcohol level twice the legal limit. He was ordered to pay a fine of £86,000 and had his driving privileges revoked for 20 months. 

Sources close to the actor revealed that he had been in denial about the seriousness of his addiction before the drunk driving incident. However, in June 2017, he finally acknowledged his problem and sought assistance.

Ant voluntarily entered a rehabilitation facility to address his dependency on prescription drugs and struggles with alcohol abuse. During his two-month stay, Ant received the support necessary to prevent his life from descending into chaos. 

Ant’s Tramadol Addiction

What exactly is tramadol? Tramadol is a synthetic opioid medication commonly used to treat moderate to severe pain in humans. It works by binding to the opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord, which helps to block the transmission of pain signals. Tramadol is often prescribed for conditions such as chronic pain, post-operative pain, and pain from injuries.

Overall, tramadol can be an effective pain management option for humans. Still, it is essential to use it as directed by a healthcare professional to avoid potential side effects and complications, as tramadol can be addictive is used irresponsibly, so make sure to ask your GP questions regarding its addictive properties, as it can lead to addiction very quickly, which, as mentioned, happened with Ant when prescribed tramadol regularly. 

How Addictive is Tramadol?

The likelihood of becoming addicted to tramadol can rise for those who misuse the drug by taking more significant amounts than prescribed, using it more often than advised, or using it for non-medical reasons. 

Ant’s knee injury and unsuccessful surgery meant he took tramadol to ease the pain of his recovery between surgery and after. Recovering from such surgery would have required high doses of pain relief. 

Due to the nature of the process and the length of time it takes to recover from knee surgery, especially ‘botched’ knee surgery, it is easy to assume that the dosage that ant was consuming enough to become reliant on it, leading to the inevitably of requiring rehabilitation to get his life back on track. 

Ant McPartlin’s rehabilitation treatment was successful. After rehabilitation, McPartlin was said to be enthusiastic and prepared to return to work alongside his close friend and fellow actor, Declan Donnelly. This can only signify how successful the stint in rehab was. 

When Ant was seen walking with his dog, he looked fresh and relaxed, which was a stark contrast to his previous appearance outside Wimbledon Magistrates Court, where he publicly expressed regret for driving while intoxicated and causing a collision involving his Mini and two other cars. He expressed genuine remorse and embarrassment to his fans and well-wishers after admitting guilt to driving under the influence. 

Those who have been addicted to a substance will know all too well how easily these situations can arise. With full access to addictive drugs, a car, and alcohol, it is little wonder why Ant found himself in this situation. His response was the only appropriate one: to get the help he needs from those equipped to provide it, and that is through a proper rehab program delivered by medical professionals. 

tramadol painkillers pills with writing

Is Prescription Addiction Considered Drug Abuse?

Ant McPartlin’s experience that resulted in rehab is a clear indication that despite being legal and prescribed by medical professionals, prescription pain medications can still pose a significant risk of addiction and harm if not used responsibly.

Prescription drugs like opioids offer essential relief for individuals with chronic pain or undergoing medical treatments. Yet, when these medications are misused or abused, the results can be catastrophic. Misusing prescription painkillers can lead to physical reliance, tolerance, and addiction, increasing the risk of overdose and death for those affected.

Individuals should be conscious of the possible dangers linked to prescription pain medications and should only use them as instructed by a healthcare professional. This involves adhering to dosage guidelines, refraining from sharing medication and storing them correctly to avoid misuse.

In addition, it is essential for healthcare professionals to carefully observe patients who are given pain medications to make sure they are not becoming dependent or addicted. Educating and raising awareness about the risks of misusing prescription painkillers are important in preventing similar situations to Ant McPartlin’s.

With Ant McPartlin’s being such a big name in the world of entertainment in the UK, he has raised awareness of the dangers of prescription drug addiction, which can only be of benefit to those considering taking opioids.

How to Overcome Prescription Drug Addiction

Failure to address prescription drug addiction could result in severe and lasting social, physical, and mental health complications. 

If you have concerns that you or someone you know may be struggling with prescription drug addiction and in need of help, it is crucial to take action promptly. This is not a situation that will resolve on its own, and individuals who attempt to detox without proper medical guidance will often face dangerous withdrawal symptoms and an increased risk of relapse. 

Successful recovery from prescription drug addiction necessitates a comprehensive treatment approach that incorporates drug rehabilitation and behavioural therapies, along with ongoing support.

What is Rehab?

Drug addiction is an equaliser. It impacts celebrities and ordinary people across the board. We are all only human, after all. Thankfully, rehab in the UK is not just for celebrities; affordable but effective rehabilitation is available throughout the country, from London to Scotland and Wales

If you or a loved one need a safe place to recover from drug addiction, surrounded by caring and understanding staff and medical professionals, we can help you find a rehab that is right for you.

In the UK, several options are available for drug rehabilitation. The NHS offers some community-based support groups and prescriptions if you are in an area that has a team to help. If you are looking for rehab as an inpatient however, the NHS does not provide this apart from a few days in hospital for those who are at immediate risk to their life. 

How We Can Help

At Rehab Guide, our team specialises in providing tailored support for those struggling with alcohol and drug addiction. We are dedicated to helping people find the most suitable rehab treatments available in their local area.

If you have any additional inquiries regarding our addiction treatments in the UK, or if you or someone you know is grappling with substance abuse, we are here to assist you in getting the support needed to begin the journey to sobriety.

Please feel free to contact our support team today by telephone, email, or online chat to gain a deeper understanding of our services and how we can help.