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Hangover Shakes

Shaking after drinking Waking up with a hangover is bad enough, but why do you shake after drinking? Don’t panic too soon. Hangover shakes, tremors, headaches, nausea, vomiting, night sweats, thirst, dizziness, dry mouth and stomach pains are common hangover...

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What Are Hangover Shakes And Tremors?

It’s pretty common to have had one bad night of drinking in your life. Hangover shakes, tremors, headaches, nausea, vomiting, night sweats, thirst, dizziness, dry mouth and stomach pains are common hangover symptoms. What’s not as common is someone having...

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Men and Drugs – When Do Addiction Problems Start?

Male drug use They say men find it hard to talk about their feelings and admit they have problems. This may be one of the reasons why a greater proportion of men than women not only use drugs but fall...

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How To Help A Drug Addict

Addiction in the Family When asked, many spouses are completely surprised when told their partner is addicted to drugs or alcohol. Many don’t want to see it and ignore it. Others miss the warning signs until it’s too late, and...

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Catch it early “Best Possible Start”

Underage alcohol-use Most people would say they are against underage drinking but statistics show we are more lenient when it comes to giving our own kids a ‘try’ of drinks. Having your first drink is almost a rite of passage...

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London – The Chemsex Capital Of Europe

The Chemsex scene According to information collated by The Global Drugs Survey, London has recently been hailed as the ‘chemsex capital’ of Europe. The report further found that young Brits are most likely to engage in chemsex in London out...

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Alcohol Use in the Military

Military alcohol use People who choose to join the military often do so with their eyes wide open, knowing the risks and dangers associated with it. They will be the ones putting their lives on the line should a crisis...

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Alcohol: The Leading Drug of Choice

Alcohol; the legal drug There is a lot of media focus on opiates and the opioid epidemic that is ruining many lives right now. This does take the focus off what still is, and has been for a long time,...

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Alcohol, Drugs & Student Life

A College Student’s Guide to Drug Abuse With exams to pass and bills to pay, student life can be a very stressful life indeed. You may find yourself (or know a friend who is) relying more and more on alcohol or...

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Celebrities Who Got Sober

Famous people who got clean and sober From the outside looking in, celebrities appear to have everything. From a film to television stars, musicians, sporting heroes or even astronauts, they seem to live a charmed life. They have fame, success,...

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The Link Between Alcohol And Depression

The relation between alcohol and depression Have you ever talked about ‘drowning your sorrows’ or getting some ‘Dutch courage? If so, you might be on the wrong path. The idea that alcohol can soothe depression or solve anxiety goes against...

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Why Are So Many Men In The UK Committing Suicide?

Why male are more likely to commit suicide Male suicides across the world have hit alarming levels. We only hear about the celebrity suicides from media sources which do not take into account the numerous other individuals who have tragically...

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