How to Deal With an Angry Drunk Spouse - Rehab Guide

How to Deal With an Angry Drunk Spouse

How to Deal With an Angry Drunk Spouse

How to Deal with an Angry, Drunk Spouse

Dealing with an angry spouse who struggles with alcoholism can be a difficult and mentally draining situation. It’s crucial to understand that alcoholism is an illness, not a choice and that the anger and aggression your partner is showing are linked to their addiction.

But just because your spouse’s addiction isn’t a choice doesn’t mean their behaviour is excusable. In this article, we are going to look at the steps in dealing with a spouse who is violent and aggressive on alcohol, what signs to look out for, the effects of living with someone like this and the kind of support you can get for yourself and your spouse. 

Alcoholic Rage Syndrome Infographic

When dealing with an angry alcoholic partner, it is crucial to prioritise your safety and well-being as a first step. Suppose your partner becomes aggressive or verbally abusive while drinking.

In that case, it is essential to remove yourself from the situation and seek assistance from a trusted individual, such as a friend, family member, or therapist. It may also be beneficial to reach out to a local domestic violence hotline or support group for advice and support.

Establishing boundaries with your partner and expressing your emotions and worries calmly and assertively is also crucial. Inform them of how their actions impact you and the relationship, and consider seeking professional help or attending therapy together.

Signs to Look for in Alcohol-Induced Aggression

Alcohol-related aggression can appear in various forms, and there are numerous indicators to be aware of. One typical indicator is heightened irritability or mood fluctuations after consuming alcohol. This can result in conflicts, bursts of rage, and possibly physical aggression. 

Another sign of alcohol-induced aggression is a decline in self-control, leading to reckless actions like instigating fights or participating in dangerous behaviours. Alcohol can also diminish rational thinking and decision-making abilities, increasing the likelihood of impulsive behaviour or acting without weighing the potential outcomes.

Signs of aggression caused by alcohol can manifest as clenched fists, loud voices, and hostile body language. Individuals displaying alcohol-induced aggression may also show signs of intoxication like unclear speech, lack of coordination, and unawareness of their surroundings.

Identifying these signs is crucial, and responding accordingly by removing the person from the situation, getting medical assistance, or contacting authorities if needed. Alcohol-fueled aggression can lead to dangerous behaviour, so it is important to be observant and handle any signs of aggression promptly.

Why Does my Spouse get Angry When They Drink?

There may be various reasons why your partner becomes angry when they drink. Alcohol can diminish inhibitions and escalate aggression in specific individuals, resulting in bursts of anger, also known as alcoholic rage syndrome. While not a medically recognised condition, alcoholic rage syndrome can be a consequence of alcohol’s impact on our bodies

It is also possible that they have underlying issues or unresolved emotions that are intensified when they drink. Moreover, alcohol can have varying effects on different people, and some may have a lower tolerance, leading to more severe reactions. It is crucial to have open and honest communication with your partner about their drinking patterns and any troubling behaviours that may surface when they consume alcohol. Getting professional assistance or therapy can also help in dealing with and controlling any problems connected to anger and drinking.

Alcoholic Rage Syndrome – What is it?

Alcohol-induced rage syndrome, also referred to as alcoholic rage syndrome, is a state in which people display violent, aggressive, or hostile behaviour while under the influence of alcohol. Despite not being formally acknowledged as a medical condition, it is often used to characterise individuals who demonstrate intense anger and aggression when intoxicated.

It is crucial to understand that alcohol-induced rage syndrome does not justify violent conduct, and individuals remain accountable for their actions while under the influence. It is essential for those grappling with this problem to seek assistance for alcohol abuse and anger management.

angry spouse

The Effects of Living With an Alcoholic Spouse

Having a partner who is an alcoholic and prone to anger can significantly impact every aspect of your life. The consistent unpredictability of their actions can create a feeling of uneasiness and dread, as you are never sure when they will lose their temper or how they will react. This can result in constant alertness as you try to foresee and prevent their outbursts.

The emotional strain of living with an angry alcoholic partner can be immense. You may feel constantly anxious, tiptoeing around to avoid setting off their anger. This can lead to remorse, humiliation, and self-condemnation, as you may start to believe their anger is somehow your responsibility. Over time, this can wear away at your self-confidence and self-worth.

Aside from the emotional toll it takes, having an alcoholic partner who is frequently angry can also result in tangible repercussions. The anger they exhibit can spark disagreements, altercations, and potentially even physical harm, cultivating a hostile and unsafe home environment. This can hinder your ability to concentrate on other areas of your life, including your career, personal connections, and pastimes. 

All in all, cohabitating with an angry alcoholic spouse can be exceedingly challenging and detrimental. It is crucial to seek assistance and access resources to guide you through this difficult circumstance and prioritise your health and well-being.

Living With an Alcoholic Partner

Dealing with a partner who is a violent alcoholic can be a challenging and risky situation. Your safety and health should be your top priority. Reach out to a therapist, counsellor, or support group for assistance in managing this difficult circumstance. 

It is crucial to establish boundaries and create a safety plan for emergencies. Contact a domestic violence hotline or seek refuge in a shelter for extra help and resources. Remember that you are not alone; some individuals can support you during this tough period.

It may also be necessary to consider leaving the relationship if the violence continues and puts your safety at risk. Take care of yourself and seek help when needed.

If the violence persists and endangers your safety, it might be essential to think about ending the relationship. Prioritise your well-being, and don’t hesitate to ask for assistance when necessary.

Focus on What is Best For You.

It is important to look after yourself during this difficult period. Remember to focus on self-care activities like working out, meditating, and spending time with loved ones. Seeking therapy can also help you manage your emotions and build effective coping mechanisms.

Handling a spouse struggling with alcoholism may feel daunting. Still, with patience, empathy, and encouragement, navigating this challenging situation and striving towards a more fulfilling and positive relationship is possible.

anger management in rehab

How Rehab Helps Alcoholics with Anger Issues

The immediate change with rehab is your partner or spouse is safely staying in a specialist centre. This removes the risks and stress involved in their outbursts and drinking. Keeping them away for a while can save relationships between partners, children, families and friends.

A rehab first offers a detox from alcohol, which reduces the physical causes of anger and aggressive behaviour. There are also extensive treatments and counselling available in rehab, and the staff and medical professionals will be in a perfect position to assess the addicted person’s condition.

Anger management can be highly effective, including role-playing, avoiding triggers and understanding the impact of our anger through family therapy.

The onsite doctor will also be able to determine if there are any additional physical reasons for extreme anger. Anti-depressants, hormone balancing and mood stabilisers can make a significant difference to people struggling with anger.

Need More Help?

Suppose you are looking to get your alcoholic partner into a rehab centre in the UK. In that case, it is vital to begin by having a candid and open conversation with them regarding their addiction and the necessity for professional assistance. 

It is essential to approach the matter with compassion and empathy, recognising that addiction is a complicated issue that can present challenges. After your partner has agreed to seek help, Rehab Guide can assist in finding a suitable rehab centre in the UK that aligns with their individual needs and preferences. This will involve considering factors like the treatment programs offered, the facility’s location, and the staff’s qualifications.

After your partner enters a rehabilitation centre, it’s important to continue providing support and motivation as they recover. 

Accompany them to therapy sessions, engage in family counselling, and learn more about addiction and recovery to understand their difficulties and obstacles better. 

Keep in mind that the road to recovery is lengthy and demanding, but with proper assistance and care, your partner can triumph over their addiction and live a more fulfilling, healthier life.

Contact our knowledgeable support team today for more information on the rehabilitation programs offered in your area. They can provide all the details you need to help your partner begin their journey to recovery from addiction.

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