Christian Rehab - Rehab Guide

Christian Rehab

Christian Rehab

What are Christian Rehabs, and how do you find one?

There are many drug and alcohol rehabs in the UK that support the Christian faith. Ideal for those who wish the support of their faith to help them in recovery.

For many people seeking recovery from a drug or alcohol problem, it is essential that they have their faith be part of that. Christian rehabs are committed to attaining and maintaining recovery through the Christian faith. Those who seek a Christian residential treatment facility do so because they want to recover from addiction using their faith and to evolve spiritually.

If you or a loved one are looking for a Christian rehab UK centers can be complicated to find. We can help you to locate the perfect treatment centre that respects your faith alongside delivering cutting-edge treatment that works.

All you have to do is pick up the phone. We will match the right treatment programme and centre to your individual treatment needs, beliefs and budget.

How Christian rehab works

Christian rehab employs many of the same methods of recovery that traditional rehabs do, except the emphasis is on cementing the Christian faith. Some drug and alcohol Christian-based rehab centres ban all substances, including tobacco and caffeine. This can prove to be particularly challenging for some clients. Yet it will offer huge health benefits in the long term. No two Christian rehabs are exactly the same. Whilst some will employ professionals of the Christian faith, such as doctors, psychologists and counsellors, others will focus on the spiritual aspect of recovery with medical care and therapy provided where it is needed.

A Christian-based treatment centre provides the perfect setting for a person of the Christian faith. It can help a person to overcome problematic substances and behaviours whilst cementing their recovery with the Christian religion. In order for any drug and alcohol rehab facility to be CQC registered, they have to meet strict protocols and requirements.

Rehab Guide

Detox facilities must offer high levels of medical care offered by qualified professionals. If you do find a drug or alcohol Christian rehab that you want to attend, please ensure it is registered with the appropriate governing body. Drug and alcohol detox can be dangerous if not conducted correctly with the appropriate levels of medical care and treatment.

Another aspect to consider is whether the facility provides adequate treatment for dual-diagnosis illnesses. It is common for a person with a substance use disorder to suffer from mental health problems. If a mental health illness is not correctly diagnosed and treated during the rehabilitation process, the chances of relapse are extremely high.

The Benefits of a Christian Rehab Center

A drug or alcohol rehab that is dedicated to the Christian faith would suit someone who is strongly connected to Christianity. This may be a person who is either a lifelong devout Christian or who has recently rediscovered or connected to their faith through drug or alcohol addiction.

The overriding benefit of attending a Christian-based rehab is that it enables its clients to connect with like-minded others. It also shows them how to incorporate their faith in overcoming a substance use disorder. Behavioural change will be achieved through counselling and therapy, as well as by following the principles of Christianity.

Many Christian drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres also follow the 12-step programme of Alcoholics Anonymous. This programme encourages a person to hand over their will to a God of the person’s understanding.

Whilst the 12-step programme has since been adapted to suit any person of any faith, religion, non-religion or spiritual beliefs, it was originally developed by Christian alcoholics for Christian alcoholics.

Who Christian Rehab Suits

The most obvious candidates for Christian rehab are people who want Christian spiritual support during their recovery and those who want to continue their journey within a Christian support group. However, there are other good reasons to go to this kind of faith-based rehab.

Many people find the values and ideas of Christianity help them in their pursuit of a new path. Gender segregation is also appealing to those who do not wish to be in a mixed environment.

Additionally, Christian and other faith-based rehabs are often less expensive than conventional private centres as they have volunteers and charitable funding.

Types of Christian Rehab

The main types of Christian-based drug and alcohol treatment clinics are:

  • Inpatient residential Christian rehab
  • Gender-specific Christian residential rehab
  • Daycare Christian drug and alcohol rehab
  • 12 Step based Christian treatment
  • Bible-based drug and alcohol recovery

When searching for a Christian rehab to help you or a loved one overcome a drug or alcohol problem, please ensure that the treatment centre meets all of your treatment criteria and not just from a faith-based aspect.

Effective drug and alcohol rehabilitation consists of many key components, including:

  • Medical drug and alcohol detox
  • Behavioural therapies
  • Matching treatment, setting, interventions and services to suit the individuals’ treatment needs
  • It must address more than just the person’s drug or alcohol use. Treatment for any associated medical, psychological, social, vocational, or legal issues is crucial to long-term recovery
  • Be able to offer long-term rehabilitation. A minimum of 12 weeks
  • Be able to medically and therapeutically treat any dual diagnosis or mental health problems
  • Offer continued and regular reviews of treatment and be flexible enough to adapt to the person as they progress
  • Treatment must be appropriate to a person’s age, gender, ethnicity, and culture
  • Continual monitoring and randomised testing for substance use. Relapse during treatment does occur.

Gender-specific drug and alcohol Christian rehabilitation

Many Christian rehabs only treat one gender, male or female. As we can see, there are both pros and cons to this particular approach.

Attending a men-only Christian rehab or women-only Christian rehab will offer a safe haven for a person who has suffered trauma at the hands of the opposite sex. They are also helpful for those who require treatment for heterosexual sex addiction due to reduced temptation.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that the clinic will be able to treat trauma with the specialist resources it requires. It just means that there will be fewer distractions and triggers for clients. It will also feel very safe and supportive.

Clients will be treated on a gender basis. Men and women are essentially very different, with different biological make-up and different ways of thinking. There are also some issues that can be linked to drug and alcohol addiction that are gender-specific.

The benefits of attending a men-only Christian rehab or women-only Christian rehab include:

  • Undergoing therapy that is gender-focused and addresses problems that are specific to either sex
  • Treatment that covers parenthood that is specific to gender
  • Support and compassion from the same gender. This encourages healthy same-sex friendships
  • Therapy that is Christian-based but is also specific to either gender
  • No temptation to form unhealthy relationships with the opposite sex
  • An environment that encourages complete vulnerability within a judgement-free zone
  • Help for marital problems
  • Ideals set out based on Christian faith for each gender
  • Emotional support that taps into male or female individual needs

The only downside to attending a gender-specific Christian residential treatment centre is that it does not in any way resemble the real world. In the real world, there are people of all ethnicities, faiths, sexualities and genders.

Those who undergo treatment within a gender-specific rehab are likely to feel extremely safe throughout the treatment process. However, they may find transitioning back into the community harder than they would with a same-sex rehab.

Many people who undergo drug and alcohol rehabilitation find it helpful to learn how to navigate different kinds of interpersonal relationships within a safe environment. Rehab professionals will be able to advise on healthy boundaries whilst ensuring the safety of all patients.

More traditional rehabs take any gender, but some will run groups specific to only men or women. This gives their clients the best of both worlds.

Benefits of a Christian Treatment Center

For a person with a drug or alcohol addiction and of the Christian faith, a Christian rehab centre will offer many benefits. It will work especially well for those who have a devout faith in Christ.

The benefits of attending a Christian-based rehab centre include:

  • All treatments will be delivered through the power of Christ
  • Regular prayer and biblical readings to help cement your faith
  • All treatment centre staff will be of Christian faith
  • You will be with like-minded others to support you through your recovery journey
  • Transition from rehab to the community will be faith-based and supported by Christian professionals and volunteers
  • You will be embraced by the Christian community
  • All teachings will be based on the bible
  • Following your recovery, your faith will have grown as you overcome challenges through the healing power of Christ
  • Some Christian rehabs are free as they are supported by churches who donate to their running costs

Supporting Christian Living in the Community

Most of our drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres offer sober living accommodations. Supported living follows immediately after rehab treatment. It enables people who have been through the rehab treatment process to stay connected and focused on their recovery.

Sober living communities are closely linked to the rehab provider. As such, they offer continued support, community living meetings, aftercare and also job opportunities within the addiction treatment field.

Within our recovery communities, there are many people who have a Christian faith and will support Christian living and recovery. Many regularly attend church and Christian recovery groups that are in the local community.

Rehab Guide

The Healing Power of Christ

There is a lot to say about having faith in Christ. Half of the battle of overcoming a drug or alcohol addiction is having a belief that it is possible with the right help. A willingness to change and to become a better version of yourself is also very helpful.

In the case of Christians, the right help comes from the Lord, the Saviour. Undergoing treatment that incorporates the principles of the Christian faith can be a very powerful and healing experience. It can also help you to establish long-term recovery and overcome any further challenges you may face

Alternatives to Christian Rehab

If you are unable to locate a Christian alcohol rehab that meets all of your treatment criteria, it is best to consider the alternatives. We work with many well-established, CQC-registered drug and alcohol clinics across the UK.

All of our residential treatment centres incorporate the effective principles of drug and alcohol treatment. They are run by a team of multidisciplinary addiction treatment professionals.

Evidence-based treatments our drug and alcohol rehabs provide include:

  • Full medical detoxification for alcohol or drugs
  • Multiple proven behavioural therapies
  • Family therapy and family programmes
  • Detox only, or detox and full rehabilitation (programme duration varies)
  • Around-the-clock support, no matter what the time of day or night
  • Treatment is delivered by qualified professionals, including doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors, nurses, therapists and support workers
  • Each treatment programme is uniquely tailored to your  individual treatment needs
  • Access to supported living accommodation on completion of treatment
  • Full aftercare programme
  • Treatment for dual diagnosis
  • Relapse prevention strategies
  • Intensive healing for the root causes of your addiction problems
  • Introduction to community-based addiction support groups
  • A comprehensive, holistic programme
  • Complementary treatments
  • Group and individual counselling sessions
  • Treatment and support for emotional, social, occupational and legal problems
  • Assisted reintegration into the community

Whilst all of our rehabs respect different ethnicities, cultures, ages, genders and faiths, some of them place a greater emphasis on spiritual recovery than others.

By calling us, we can match a suitable rehab centre to your treatment criteria and faith. This will ensure that you are treated comprehensively on a physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual level.

Finding a Christian Rehab near you

Christian drug rehabs are usually accessible through churches and Christian recovery groups. They can be difficult to locate and access independently. You may have found this to be the case.

If you cannot locate a suitable treatment centre that incorporates aspects of the Christian faith, we can help. We can help you find the best Christian rehab centres the UK has to offer and that suit you as an individual.

We have many reputable world-class treatment centers that can help you to make a full recovery whilst showing complete respect for your belief and faith.

Above all else, it is important that you get treatment and that you access suitable treatment as quickly as possible.

Drug and alcohol addiction is a progressive disease of the brain. Yet, it is treatable and preventable.

Let us help you by taking the stress out of finding the right rehab. We will support you and your family throughout your treatment process. We can also arrange same-day admission and sober transport wherever necessary.

For a free and comprehensive treatment assessment, which is crucial to finding the right rehab programme, call and speak with one of our friendly treatment experts.


  1. Oxford Group –
  2. Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide. Principles of effective treatment –

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