Drug and Alcohol Rehab Cyprus - Rehab Guide

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Cyprus

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Cyprus

Limassol Cyprus

More and more people in the UK are choosing rehab abroad in places like Cyprus to aid in their recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. There are many advantages to alcohol treatment centres in other countries: cost, physical and emotional distance from your troubles and a relaxing and energising climate boost your recovery.

The Rehab Centre in Cyprus

Based in Limassol, the Cyprus rehab is private and secluded and has in-house facilities such as a swimming pool, gym and therapy rooms exclusive to residents. This rehab functions as a sanctuary of calm and relaxation without the pressure of temptation and triggers that lead you to return to drugs or alcohol.

The rehab has a strong family and community vibe. You will live with and be surrounded by other people on the same path as you and experienced and qualified staff.
Many of the counsellors in the Cyprus rehab have been through addiction themselves. This offers a deeper understanding of what you are going through and eliminates any fear of judgment.

Pool in Cyprus Rehabbedroom cyprus rehab

Treatment in Rehab in Cyprus

There are plenty of reasons to choose a rehab in Cyprus, a relaxed culture, wonderful climate and a warm sense of hospitality. The rehab in Limassol is special in other ways too.
The rehab team here don’t only specialise in helping those with addictions to drugs or alcohol, although this is the most common reason for rehabilitation.

While many rehabs offer psychological treatment for those with coexisting mental health issues with addiction, the Cyprus rehab offers this as a standalone service. What this means is your counsellors, and medical staff are equipped to deal with any kind of mental health concerns that you may have alongside your addiction.

The rehab offers a range of treatment options and holistic therapies. You will take the first few days to create and develop your treatment plan with your counsellors’ help.
The clinic in Cyprus specialises in neuro-linguistic programming, a technique used to improve your confidence and self-awareness and combat unhelpful thought patterns. They also offer CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy), 12-step programs and hypnotherapy sessions. You will get therapy daily, individually and in groups.

Holistic Rehab in Cyprus

With the ethos of recovering from addiction and mental health problems and improving your life, well-being and happiness, holistic therapy is a big part of the treatment program in Cyprus rehab.

You and your counsellor will make an individual diet and exercise plan. This is to give your body what it needs to get you back on track physically. The rehab’s group yoga, mindfulness classes, and daily meditation sessions are proven ways to improve your mental and physical well-being after addiction.

Why Choose Rehab Abroad

For some of us, rehab close to home is ideal. We don’t have to travel and can receive supportive visitors and remain where we feel comfortable and familiar. Just as many people find the opposite, they crave a chance to overcome bad habits and associations, and the privacy and anonymity of a rehab abroad can provide that.

Additionally, even including the flights and travel, rehab abroad is usually cheaper thanks to the lower cost of living and better hospitality culture. Widening your options allows you to find a rehab facility with the accommodation, treatment and ethos you want.

couples support rehab cyprus

Couples Rehab

A supportive partner or family member can make a world of difference to your recovery. In Cyprus, couples can go to rehab together, whether as a supporter, as part of their therapy, or to deal with their own addiction or mental health concerns. The family-oriented Cyprus rehab understands the importance of a support network even in rehab.

This is one of the few rehabs in Europe that offer couples drug rehab facilities. Couples can stay in the same room in the Cyprus rehab, which offers comfort and support and is cost-effective.
Opening up your options by looking for a rehab abroad means you have a better chance of finding something in your price range.

Overall, rehabs in Europe are cheaper for what you get than in the UK. Of course, you must account for travel costs, but most international rehabs are deliberately in areas close to affordable and frequent flight routes.

Rehab in Cyprus is cost-effective and offers flexibility with different grades of room and sharing options. This means you will find both luxury rooms at reasonable prices and shared rooms for those who need to keep costs down. A 28-day stay in rehab can cost from £2000 to £4000 per week, which is very affordable compared to many UK centres.

There are luxury rehabs abroad, which can be found in Europe, South Africa, Dubai, Asia and the USA. These are more expensive, but what you get for the price is often better than if you are more restricted to UK-only rehabs.

Medical Detox in Cyprus

The beginning of rehabilitation can be one of the hardest parts. Not only have you decided to change your life and work on yourself for your own sake and those you care about, but there are also physical symptoms.

The concept of suffering more than you must stop drinking, taking drugs or trying to break free from mental health problems does not meet the Cyprus rehab’s ethos.
Medical detoxes safely and comfortably manage the symptoms of detoxification. This means you can start making the most of life without harmful substances and feel better quicker.

Rehab Interventions in Cyprus

Getting someone you care about to understand that they need rehab can be difficult, with pitfalls and denial abound. Our expert interventions team can help you with techniques and advice on best approaching the subject and the dos and don’ts. They can also speak with your loved one before and after admission to the rehab in Cyprus.

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